Things I Learned in 2012

Meaningless or important -- you be the judge LOL ... here are the things I learned in 2012. I will either make you laugh, roll your eyes, or agree with me. Here we go:

1. When you move twice expect your stuff to magically disappear with no clear explanation of where it went ... did it get dropped? Did the fairies swoop in and move it to nowhere land? Did the movers steal it? Aw the questions are endless. I am most specifically curious what happened to my favorite leather jacket! It is missed in the cold weather.

2. When you get divorced, expect your ex to annoy you somehow. My annoyance? Taking all of my jackets to the Salvation Army. Yep! I had quite a collection. There are now some poor people with a beautiful INC leather, full-length coat. Oh, I miss it!

3. Dating in your forties is way better than your twenties. The confidence alone makes a whole difference. I had more dates than I knew what to do with. And it was fun ... for a while; but then you know I'm really like a wolf. I like to be with just one guy. So, in the end I thought I would stay single much longer. Nope! I met my match. Expect big news in 2013.

4. Never make knee-jerk decisions. I regret moving to Marina del Rey. I like to say I went on walk about, but truly it cost me a whole lot of money, and in the end, I was not meant to live in Southern California. So, I moved back ... AND I lost more stuff. Ah, you always have to laugh. Maybe it was the Universe's way of purging my closet LOL.

5. Here is the big one ... the lesson learned around the world. Are you ready? It's OK to cry. Yes, friends and readers, crying works great. I didn't cry a whole lot for years. I made up for it this year. And you know what? I'm still standing. I'm happy. And every now and again, I still cry ;).


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