Kum & Go ... At Least it's Memorable

When I go on the road I am always sure to see something to make my jaw drop. Here is what I learned as I toured the South: There is a gas station chain named (wait for it) "Kum & Go". Not only did they not spell "Come" correctly, but they spelled more like the infamous erotic word (we all know what that is). Scott D. Roberts, author of Vengeance is Now, also managed to procure a cup with that wonderful name emblazoned on the side. Sometimes you just have to laugh no matter what. Like we're all no supposed to get the reference. Or maybe the business owner just couldn't spell. Either way it provided plenty of snickers in the RV. "Are you drinking your 'kum' juice?" And on it went ... smirks and smiles. Yes, and very juvenile. I admit it. Yet I still have to simply shake my head why anyone would name their establishment "Kum & Go" ... and that's just a big, whopping "I'm just saying." Or maybe it's truly a marketing coup, right? I mean, I won't forget the name anytime soon. Although I don't think I will ever give the mainstream respect of, say, Shell or Quik Stop LOL.


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