Two Things Authors Can Do to Promote Their Books

Many authors mistakenly believe the hardest part of writing a book is ... writing a book. They are creative geniuses and artists -- and most aren't business people. They don't think like business people. Hey, they are artists, which is perfectly okay. If you know your left/right brain don't party together then think of this way, hire a marketing and PR professional to promote your book. In the meantime, though, you can do two very easy things to promote your book.

Blog. You are a writer, right (look the two different uses of the "right" LOL) so writing a blog should be like getting up every day for you. A blog can be set up for free on sites like this one. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a graphic artist create a simple brand. You would be surprised how easy it is to set up a blog on this site. It's very easy. Set up a blog, but don't cry, "What do I write about?" You have plenty to write about whether it's fiction or non-fiction. What genre is your book in? Write about the genre. Post excerpts from the book. Talk about related topics. Post when you're doing book signings. Discuss the writing process. Heck talk about your dog ... that worked for the author of the Marley books. Just get your name out there and make sure you post links to your book trailer, book (where it's for sale) and more.

Social Media. Where are you Facebook or Twitter accounts? Start connecting my friend. The more connections, the more reaches you have to prospective readers. Start posting away. Post information about book signings. Post book quotes. Post reflections on what's happening during the process of releasing your to the public. Heck post musing on your dog LOL. Be social and be active in your social media community. It's not just about you. Reach out to others in your social media. Reach out to other authors. Build a book fan page. Ask your social media connections to "like" your fan page.

If none of this sounds appealing or you just don't have time, contact 3L Publishing at 916-300-8012 or log onto our website at or send email to We can set you up with a professional book promotion program. 


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