Book Coaching Services

If you're an aspiring novelist or you have a book you've written yet you can't seem to get a "yes" when it comes to getting an agent or publisher, maybe it's time for an objective third party to take a look at it. A qualified professional like one of our top-notch editors at 3L Publishing who can provide insight and guidance not only on the content of the book, but also on the marketplace.

A qualified book coach can provide the following:

Objective story or content analysis -- whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, a coach can review the contents. If the book is non-fiction, the coach can look at the overall structure to ensure it's organized in a readable, easy-to-understand way. If it's fiction, the coach will look at the overall story arc and structure, character development, and dialog.

Provide recommendations and comments for change -- your book coach will go into the heart of the book and provide specific recommendations on what to change to improve the story and how to execute the change. We like to provide specific comments, suggestions and examples right in the manuscripts. We will even rewrite sections to illustrate the point, and writers can elect to lift and use those suggestions.

Dialog -- weak dialog can completely ruin a perfectly good book. Writers often can write a great story and then fail to write authentic dialog and provide unique voices for each character. A coach can provide objective ideas about how to improve the dialog.

Marketability -- the coach can also give the author ideas on how to make their books more marketable and valuable to the audience. Suggestions in terms of overall story and maybe changing the focus or tweaking ideas to gain more market share. For example, with so much buzz over 50 Shades of Grey, the erotic book market is ablaze with want-to-be competitors.

If you would like us to coach your book, please send an email to or call 916-300-8012. We will gladly discuss your publishing needs. 


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