The Daily Cup

As a publisher, the no. #1 comment I hear continually is ... "Everybody has a book in them."

While it's true we all have a story to tell, that comment doesn't address the professionalism required to make a book a reality. Using the various methods available to others to get their books out of them, it's true everybody can, in fact, have a book published. But that requires the realization that to get a book into the popular culture, it needs to be treated like any business endeavor -- and any business endeavor requires professionalism to do it right.

If you can't necessarily write, but do have a story to tell, you can do the following:

Hire a ghost writer -- Did you know many books aren't written the author whose name is shown on the front. A ghost writer is a professional writer who can make your story not only structurally make sense, but also grammatically work. A ghost writer knows how a book is supposed to be written, and there is no guesswork involved. This gives your project the highest possible odds of being published because it's done right the first time.

Hire an editor -- if you've written a manuscript already, hire a professional editor to clean it up. Even professional writers need an editor. Even this publisher needs an editor. You can't see the forest from the trees.

Graphics -- let the professionals design your book. The cover is often the most important element of a book to draw in readers. Cookie-cutter templates and stock photography can show up on another person's book. Let the professional use his/her knowledge and background to get it right.

Make sure a legitimate publisher puts your book out into the mainstream. Many authors think that Amazon's CreateSpace is a legit publisher. It's a tool. And there are many such tools like that one out there.

3L Publishing ( is a hybrid publisher that crosses self-publishing with traditional publishing to provide authors a professional outcome. Contact us today at 916-300-8012 or if you want your book done right the first time.


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