Do Not do these Social Media Promotions

What is social media etiquette when it comes to marketing your business in this growing area of community connection? We don't have a rule book on what is appropriate, but we do have common sense and a pretty good idea of what we don't like to see done. Here are some basic "rules" when it comes to using your social media "ecosystem" to promote business and not lose "friends":

Marketing Promo Shared or Tagged on My Wall -- Big No, No! I call this "hijacking" another person's social media connections. When you hijack another person's wall for your promotional purposes and post what is essentially a billboard on his or her wall you run the risk of being "de-friended". I find it very offensive when someone posts what is nothing more than an advertisement on my wall. Now... there are exceptions:
  • The person is someone I really do know and talk to either in-person or on social media. This real friend hijacks my wall for his or her event, and it's okay with me. Notice I said "event" and not one big, gigantic postcard advertisement. I don't mind helping others promote an event to invite through my wall my friends. I do mind this person just advertising products. My wall is not your advertising space.
If you're not my "friend" and we've never even talked to each other, please do not share your events or anything else on my wall. I don't like people "using" my social media community. I'm sure my community appreciates not being used.  I have many connections of people I've allowed into my social media world because they were connected to a lot of people I know. I use social media to build business. I don't have a problem not actually knowing a "friend" but I do have a problem with a "friend" thinking my hard-won social media community is there for them to pick off. It's not cool.


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