Three Tips to Stay Focused

As an entrepreneur and business owner, I have a lot of freedom. With great freedom though requires discipline. Some people need accountability to get their work done. People like myself do not need anyone ruling their schedules. My own drive and ambition rules my schedule. So how do you keep yourself on tasked and focused when there is no force behind you?

Keep a routine. Routines help you define your activities for the day. For example, I get up and blog every morning. Then I do public relations activities, promotion and marketing. I like to edit and project manage in the afternoons. If I have a meeting this, of course breaks up the schedule and gives me some variety.

Discipline. A routine actually helps maintain discipline since you know your schedule. You'll find many distractions and temptations, but maintain your discipline. Don't let the distractions, well distract. For me I go directly and get a cup of coffee and then go right to my desk and start my routines.

Persist. Many business owners who don't get instant gratification will lose their confidence. When it comes to marketing and promoting your business, persistence in your activities combined with flexibility in strategies and tactics will pay off. You have to stay in the game. Believe in your business (AKA believe in yourself) and keep doing what you're doing.


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