Three Marketing Tools Authors Can't Do Without

I've watched many authors and recognize their fail points when it comes to marketing and promoting their books. Most authors are not businesspeople. So I can't fault them for not knowing what to do to spread the word about their books. First and foremost, authors need to recognize that in being an author it's one part writer one part businessperson. Authors who believe their "craft" should be enough to sell a book typically don't sell any books. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, please know the rule remains the same: one part art one part business. As an author/businessperson what do you need at your basic foundation to the promote and sell your book?

Publicist: do you know book promotion? I doubt you understand it. It's an entire profession. Seek a book publicist. It's the best investment you can make in your book. Your publicist will use media contacts and lists to promote your book to the book reviewer media.

Marketing tools: your publicist will need to either have created for you certain marketing and promotional tools. These tools are integral to success of your book. What basic tools do you need?
  • Media kit but not just any media kit. Book media kits have certain materials contained within them. Your publicist should know what those materials should be.
  • Website ... preferably a dynamic website that can be easily updated with news and events. No one can function in business anymore without a website. And that website should feature a blog. Many free blog sites exists including Blogger. 
  • Media relations strategy: each genre requires a specific media relations strategy for either national or regional media.
  • Social media strategy: leverage free social media services, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Linked-In.
  • Tie it all together: make sure whatever tools and strategies you use hook together and support and leverage each others' audiences.
Do you need marketing or PR services for your book or even product or services. We provide marketing and PR services. For more information contact or call 916-300-8012. Visit our website at


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