Build Your Business Book in a Day -- Workshop

Build Your Business Book in a Day -- Workshop
Price: $99.95
Date: October, 5, 2013
Time: 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
Location: 200 South Lexington Dr., Main Office/Club House

Sign Up: Click here, (if you're not on, just join (it's easy) and then hit "Yes" and it takes you to PayPal. You can also have us process your credit card, cash or check by sending an email to or calling 916-300-8012.

Michelle Gamble-Risley, CEO of 3L Publishing ( and author of two business books and publisher of a half-dozen others, is teaching a workshop titled "Build Your Business Book." This three-hour workshop will help business people and entrepreneurs interested in gaining valuable opportunities by writing a book to support their businesses. Nothing sells your business better than a book.

Here are the benefits of having a book to support your business:
  • Gain credibility as a subject matter expert
  • As an expert be asked or submit proposals to become a qualified speaker
  • From speaking engagements build credibility and trust with your audience
  • Earn valuable return on investment through business opportunities that arise by speaking
  • Leverage the newsworthiness of your book to gain print, broadcast and TV media exposure
  • Media exposure also increases visibility, earns credibility, and draws business interest
  • Earn extra income as a qualified speaker
  • Earn extra income from back-of-the-room sales
  • Attract interest from your business community (one business book writer got a six-figure CEO position from his book)
In this workshop, you will walk away with:
  • A marketable and business-related topic to develop your book
  • A fully developed table of contents to provide the roadmap for your book
  • Basic input on each chapter's content, with additional advice and input from Publisher and participants
  • Outline of each chapter on a student-by-student basis
  • Evaluation of any chapters already written
  • And enough ideas and direction to complete your book
  • A PDF file provided before class of a workbook to use during and after class
  • And a mid-afternoon snack and water to replenish
And here is one very important FACT about having a business book: PEOPLE THROW AWAY BROCHURES; THEY DO NOT THROW AWAY BOOKS!

To participate in the workshop, the cost is $99.95 per person and class size is limited to 15 students. We will close the class once we meet our limit, and schedule another class if we have overflow. 

Workshop participants can also take advantage of this one-time offer

For participants ONLY 3L Publishing ( will then take their books and provide the following:

$1,000 Editing Package
  • Participants will be offered an extremely inexpensive editing package, which includes: a one-time edit and final proof.
$3,000 Editing and Graphics/Production Package (Limit 175 Book Pages)

If 3L Publishing deems the book qualified to go into our canon of books, we will then offer the following full-service editing and graphics package, which includes:
  • Full-service editing and final proof
  • Front and back-cover design*
  • Interior book design
  • Marketing content for the back cover copy
  • Pre-press production (preparation for the printer)
*Design does not include original illustrations or photos.
*Cost doesn't cover printing or eBook conversion 

The is a dramatic 50% OFF our publishing packages. And it will only be offered to workshop participants. Payments can be made in one or two easy payments. 3L Publishing accepts credit cards, checks or cash. For more information, please contact us at 916-300-8012 or send an email to 


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