Kansas City or Bust or ... BBQ Time!

In my tired stupor yesterday, I sat around whining and complaining about the stress of the upcoming book tour to my beloved fiancé Kirk Donnelly, who I think now deserves a gold medal for patience. I should rename this blog "Ode to Kirk's Patience" (and maybe I will LOL). It's not easy organizing a book tour while trying to run a publishing company. I see this cross-country tour as the grand experiment in book promotion. We've tried so many different ways to promote the book, and I wanted to think outside of the proverbial box or more like just think "outside" in general. So next week we hop into a 30-foot RV and across the USA we go. Well, now I have to get my publisher's act together ... or more like my ability to be organized and pack and work! Is my hair pulled out of my head yet? Last I looked in the mirror, the blonde tresses were still in place. Thank goodness! A bald girl really isn't that attractive unless you are Sinead O'Connor with big doe eyes. To top this whole little "boondogle" off, I decided to release the second book in the California Girl Chronicles series ... what is wrong with me? Are you asking, "Is she crazy?" Maybe slightly insane, yes. I want as much merchandise as possible to sell at the RT Book Lovers convention that starts on April 30th to May 4th in Kansas City. Did someone say Kansas City? Yes! BBQ time! Yes, I have my priorities straight. If I know one thing, it's this: I will at least enjoy great BBQ! THEN yesterday author Scott D. Roberts, who penned Vengeance is Now, asks, "Do you know anything about Thriller Fest?" What I thought, "Is that a Michael Jackson celebration?" LOL ... just kidding ... no, I did not, BUT I found it takes place July 10-13 in New York City -- winner! Anything in New York City is a winner by my count.


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