10 Steps to Live the Life of Your Dreams

My future view :).
It's Friday again, and I bet you all think I'm going to say something profound -- something to move you into action and do something amazing. Do I sound grandiose? Yep! It's Friday. It's grand and fun Friday. Every day I wake up to the bird's singing their sweet spring songs. I think I am lucky. I don't have to drive into an office. If I'm super tired, I sleep in and work late. I've carved out a life of freedom. Have you? Do you serve the "man" as my fiancé Kirk Donnelly refers to it. Do you want to quit being a servant and own your own business and enjoy the rewards that go with it. Why aren't you getting started? Do you want to get started? Then let me help you by mapping out what to do:

Step 1: Identify the life you would prefer to be living.
Step 2: Identify your passion by asking yourself, "If I had a million dollars, what would I do for a living?
Step 3: Form an "exit strategy," and by an exit strategy I mean how much money do you need to save to go independent? Is it $10K that will pay your bills? I suggest you have six months of income set aside to give you enough of a buffer. I launched my company 3L Publishing on $10K, and I never spent the core amount. The very first day I left corporate, I had people contact me to become clients, which leads to ...
Step 4: Believe in yourself! I never believed in myself. I had no idea how respected I had become in the community. How people would show up and want to work with me. I didn't know it would be so effortless -- and you will be surprised how effortless it can be for you, too.
Step 5: Write a business or marketing plan.
Step 6: Execute the plan. Many people pay to have my company write their marketing plans and then they let the plan sit on the shelf. Don't let it sit on the shelf. Execute it!
Step 7: Market! Market! Market!
Step 8: Network! Network! Network!
Step 9: Follow-up!!!! Do you know how many people never follow-up? They meet a hot prospect, and they let it go. They don't pick up the phone. They don't send a lovely email. They do nothing. They let the opportunity go. Want some terrific follow-up tips and tricks, pick up a copy of the insightful book titled Fortune is in the Follow-Up by Heidi BK Sloss. It's available on our website and Amazon. Sloss outlines basic information on marketing and follow-up tips to make your business soar. It's a great read.
Step 10: Celebrate! If you got this far, you should be basking in the warm glow of your success.

Do you need a marketing plan? If you do, we can provide one for you. I have a 20-year marketing background and will gladly put together a marketing plan for your business. You can contact me at 916-300-8012 or send an email to michelle@3LPublishing.com. Now go win your day!


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