All Press is Good Press

Driving three hours to Fresno with author Scott D. Roberts to promote his book Vengeance is Now, he says this is a long drive just for an appearance. I said, "I will go anywhere for press. All good press is valuable." Public relations gives your company, product or service exposure. It doesn't matter is the audience is 10 or 270,000, as was the case for Central Valley Talk. You never know who is going to be watching the show. It could be potential buyers of your product or a potential client or even just someone who is going to change your life somehow. You can't sell a product or service without exposure to your audience. If people don't know your product or service or book exist, they don't know to buy it. The biggest mistake I see people commonly make is to write a book and then not invest in the public relations and marketing programs. They mistakenly believe if they post it on Amazon, "they will come." Well Amazon is nothing more than an online store. People can't really browse Amazon aisles like they could a brick-and-mortar store. How are they supposed to know your book is online? The next problem I see is authors will buy a nominal amount of PR time -- not enough for it to work its magic. The rule for the PR and marketing time vested should (are you ready) be the same amount of time it took you to write the book. The business portion of producing a book is EQUALLY as important as the creative time. My company 3L Publishing offers marketing and PR services. For more information, call 916-300-8012 or send an email to


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