Promoting Your Business at Every Opportunity

The biggest failure I see entrepreneurs do is fail to promote effectively at key moments. If you have a newsletter, blog or website you should have links and information about it on every promo piece. You can't drive traffic to your website simply by having one. You have to advertise and promote it. Blog -- same thing. You have to promote your blog to increase readership. Keywords and social media are not enough. Your blog is designed to market your business and increase visibility and therefore exposure to your brand. You have to spread the word about it at every opportunity.

Also, if you're doing speaking engagements, make sure you're either bringing a sign-up sheet to capture audience contact information for a newsletter or to promote an upcoming product or service. Make sure you ask permission (naturally). Again give the audience a business card or postcard to promote your other marketing material. You often have to continually touch your audience until they remember, and then when they have a need to fill they remember you can fill it. Marketing is about increased visibility and constant exposure. Some people only need to see you perhaps once or twice. Other people need long-term exposure to pull the trigger on the relationship. But the trick for you as the entrepreneur is CONTINUAL, CONSISTENT long-term exposure to capture either type of audience member.

Do you need a marketing or PR campaign? Contact us at 916-300-8012 or send an email to


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