Public Relations Tips for Book Promotion

Lots of great publicity going on for the 3L Publishing book Vengeance is Now. Author Scott D. Roberts just did a guest blog on Girls with Books, and this morning he is doing an interview on Conversations with Cyrus Webb. How are we getting good, consistent and steady exposure? Here are our promotional strategies that work.

It's always who you know. Over the years of working in this industry, my company 3L Publishing has done a lot of media outreach. We have steadfast contacts in the book reviewer world, as well as mainstream media. We have also built a reputation for quality products. Many reviewers familiar with 3L products will immediately agree to look at our books.

Steady, relentless pressure. We push and promote daily. We are working in tandem with the author to promote to media and book-related industry people. The author HAS to be working those front lines with us. Nothing sells a book better than the author. As the publisher, I do one thing a day to promote -- whether that is contacting a media person or promoting to a writers' group or book club.

Get creative. We don't do just standard book promotion. We also get creative. We go to literary festivals and conventions. We keep our brand out front. By doing this, we make the brand easily recognizable by both industry professionals and consumers. We're also personally going to as many Barnes and Nobles across the U.S. and handing them a copy of the book. Handing a book and putting it right in the hands of the book buyers makes an impression. We hope this activity will increase orders into the bookstores via our distribute Baker and Taylor.

Do you need to hire a publicist for your book? We offer a variety of public relations and book promotional services. Send an email to or call 916-300-8012.


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