First Place Winner, Best Inspirational Book -- In the Footsteps of Greatness

 Freshman author Josh Mathe adds another award to his growing list of acknowledgements. His book In the Footsteps of Greatness took First Place, Best New Author, Best Inspirational book in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards.

I personally enjoyed this book, and I've lauded it many times over. If you want a feel-good Christmas present for friends and family this book will do it. I do want to clarify that this book is way more than a hiking book or a how-to backpack. It won the inspirational acknowledgment because it definitely inspires. It chronicles how Josh overcame his personal demons to do something he tried and failed to do a couple of times -- hike the 212-mile John Muir Trail in a week. He doesn't so much battle the elements as he conquers his own issues and mental outlook. How many of us can relate to how we hold ourselves back in life? I know I could easily understand the issues.

I personally can't wait until Josh's sophomore effort starts. This project was my "feel-good" effort for 2014. Buy your eBook or print edition on Amazon today or visit the 3L Publishing website ( under Books.


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