3L Publishing Produces Award-Winning Authors

This week was all about awards. Author Scott D. Roberts was a Finalist in the Indie Excellence Awards for his freshman effort Vengeance is Now, and Jori Nunes won an award from Kohl's for her first book Chocolate Flowers written to raise awareness about child sexual abuse. These authors' wins represent the kind of excellence in publishing that 3L Publishing makes its mission. We set ourselves apart from other publishers by striving to make each book its very best. New and emerging authors like working with our team of award-winning editors and designers to publish books that are award worthy.

As a publisher and in an industry where many people want to break in, I could make a lot of money publishing just anything. I personally do not want to contribute to the deluge of bad writing that is hitting the eBook market because publishing has become more mainstream. Writers mistakenly believe that because the distribution methods have become more open that they can just publish anything without qualifying the material. The hubris involved in that effort results in a lot of really poorly written books on the market. The problem has gotten so prevalent that Amazon is starting to become more discerning based on reader complaints.

Gate-keeping and standards are not bad things. Standards promise at least a somewhat positive reading experience. No one wants to feel ripped off because he or she inadvertently bought an eBook littered with mistakes with no clear story. So yes it's easier to publish a book then ever before, but the real question is, should you even publish it on your own? My company solves that problem and gives authors an alternative to publish a high-quality book that they can feel proud to put their names on.

Are you interested in being an award-winning author? Contact my company 3L Publishing at 916-300-8012 or send an email to info@3LPublishing.com.


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