Christmas Books: Princess Josie

It's frozen outside -- the roofs and cars and grass all crystal white this morning. I felt inspired with Christmas upon us to review the 3L Publishing books I think would make marvelous Christmas gifts. Let's start with our latest children's book just released in time for Santa's sack: Princess Josie.

This stunning children's book is perfect for little boys and girls between the ages of 4-10. Younger children will enjoy a parent reading it to them and older children can read aloud to parents. I took my little girl to the book launch, and she absolutely loved the Princess Josie bundle that includes a puppy dog and aptly scripted "Princess Josie" dog dish. The little plush toy looks exactly like the dog in the book. As the publisher, I was thrilled with the final product. What makes Princess Josie stand out is the impressionistic art style of the dog and family. I would go so far as to call the book a true work of art. The story about a puppy who thinks she a princess and her family is the Royal Family is cute, sweet and simple. Sometimes a simple story is the best kind. Lisa didn't fuss with a complicated storyline, and that is what makes this book an ideal children's book.

You can buy the bundle with the plush toy by clicking here.


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