National Dog Day - Celebrate with Animal Rescue

Dropped-Off Dog
Catherine Lagorio
Order your copy on Amazon (click here

Life is good for the Little Tiger-Striped Dog.He has food to eat, water to drink, a safe place to sleep and someone who loves him until one fateful day ... His world turns upside down when he is left alone in the country to fend for himself! Dropped-Off Dog (A Mostly-True Tail ) tells the fictional history of a real dog and how he came to live in rural California's San Joaquin Valley. After a journey from happiness and plenty through abandonment, hunger and fear, the Little Tiger-Striped Dog makes his way to a house with another dropped-off dog and two people who recognize his struggle. They adopt him and he really, truly lives happily ever after. Dropped-Off Dog is a children's picture book based on a real story about an animal. It is written to give children a stunning visual story with the theme of hope to raise awareness about the issue of animal abandonment and homelessness.


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