Why Work with an Indie Publisher?

Did you know 70 percent of Amazon top sellers are now produced from small- to medium-sized and independent publishers? Why is that trend growing?

1. Independent publishers offer one-on-one service and attention to their clients. Writers don't get absorbed into the book publishing corporate food chain where they may end up with half-a-dozen different editors and representatives on their projects over the course of their experiences.

2. New and first-time authors often cannot break into the corporate publishers because they either don't have a platform (AKA as following) or because they are unknown and unproven. Independent publishers give new authors an opportunity to get their books published where doors might otherwise be closed.

3. Greater attention to the content and book-coaching services to create award-winning books. Many of our company's books have won awards. These first-time authors might not have won without our seasoned guidance and professionalism to create the best debut book possible.

Not all independent publishers strive for the level of excellence 3L Publishing (www.3LPublishing.com) provides. We focus on quality vs. quantity. Yes, we are a business and like any business we are here to stay in business and prosper, but publishing books that win awards and shine bright reflects our company's values and mission. You want to hear this from your publisher. The real proof though is in what they publish. Make sure you look at sample books before you build a relationship. Proof is always in the products. Call us anytime at 916-300-8012.


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