The Little Bear Who Wanted to Fly

Children's Picture Book
Author: Carol Shaver
Illustrator: Rachel Smith

This enchanting new children's book from my company 3L Publishing was an absolute joy and pleasure to publish. The sweet author who is full of moxy and passion wanted her precious story about a little bear named Cubby who dreamed of flying taken from her imagination to the page. She was able to achieve her goals by working with the incredible talents of Rachel Smith, one of our favorite illustrators.

The book's theme is simple: no dream is impossible! All children's books should be distilled down to simple concepts. When you can distill your story thematically down then the story becomes focused and clear to the reader. For children a simple idea is the best.

This book is also uniquely different because its size is 11 x 14, which means it's tall and wide. Carol was thrilled with the idea so that little eyes and fingers could take in the vibrant action depicted on the pages. Turning the pages would be slower and give kids time to ask questions. I had not thought of it that way, but then I loved the idea. If you would like to buy your own copy of The Little Bear Who Wanted to Fly, please click here.


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