Dear Player ...

Dear Player,

You think you're so smooth. You think it's cool to brag to your friends how you have X-number of girls on the hook. You think it's so amazing that you could get girls to fall in love with you and then take advantage.

Dear Player,

Let me tell you true. Life has a way of making justice prevail. You will not get to move on and act like you did no wrong. Your callous and insensitive and purely selfish behavior will find you. You will pay a price higher than the physical plane.

Dear Player,

When the scale of justice weighs in on you then you will know the price of your messing with hearts and minds. You will have to pay that price and it will come in a way that will destroy you. And you will heartlessly wonder why? How could this have happened? What did I do?

Dear Player,
The classic line is what applies to you ... Straight from the Color Purple and Miss Celie: Until you do right by me, everything you even think about gonna fail!


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