The Drama Life

I have been working on a self-help book soon to be released by my company 3L Publishing titled Step Aside and Get Out of Your Own Way by Syndee Hendricks. I've also been working on a new program of meditation and hypnotherapy, which ask me sometime about. Hypnotherapy should never be discounted. I have several success stories about it. The sub-conscious mind is amazing. Anyway ... back to Syndee's book. She discusses drama queens and kings in the book. I would have to say that as I've gotten older, more grounded and rational, and aware I've been able to discern these personality types much better. I don't like or invite needless drama into my life. And the more I don't invite it, the less it comes to me.

How is that you ask? Drama people cannot knock through what I'll call the "grounded" wall of cool observation. When you learn to ground and stay grounded you are far less prone to provide the necessary response or "fodder" the drama people need to feed their endless "plays". How do you spot a drama person? The easiest is to watch and become "audience" and not participant. Watching drama from the audience's perspective makes it glaringly obvious.

In the list of drama behaviors, watch for:
  • over-reactions, "reactions" of any kind that are not necessary;
  • mountains that were once mole hills;
  • outrageous manipulations;
  • and a life in constant chaos (everything requires over-the-top emotions)
When you take the high road or openly decide to sit in the audience and not be a cast member of the play, your perspective on it will change. I've been taught to remember that it's all the other person's stuff. The grounded, mature reaction quiets itself, thinks, and then "discusses" and is proactive.

Life will happen all around you. Drama kings and queens will put on their plays. Your challenge is to stay out of it. Taking the high road while sometimes might seem uncomfortable is always the better choice. Investing any emotion in the "play" is just a "bad trip" into another person's junk. Stay out of it. My business partner said this the other day, "You have five-minutes to vent and then we move on." Good advice! When he got a little distressed over a project's future, I reminded him of the same only said, "Let it spin. It will do what it's going to do." Good management practices on either side. 


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