Publishing and Books -- It's Work

"The book business is hard," said an author.

"Yes, the book business is a business," replied the publisher.

The glamor of publishing seems, well, glamorous. Book signings, parties, congratulations, book reviews, and attention. Reality is though -- it's a business. No getting around it. No matter how you look at publishing and books, it requires effort, time and pressure. Have you ever been to a dozen signings in three weeks? Is it fun? It's always fun. But after the 200th signature and a lot of talking and selling, it hits home -- this is work. Doing the marketing and supporting the book -- work. Staying the course with book when you're exhausted and maybe worked a whole other job during the day -- work. Writing marketing material and blogs and social media posts and generally trying to be consistently brilliant and clever -- work.

Would I trade this business for any other? No! When authors want to publish their books, I always try to ensure they understand it's a great artistic, creative and wonderful process, but it's a business, period. Launching, starting and maintaining a book is akin to launching, starting and maintaining a business. When authors come into the effort with that squarely in their minds, they will be physically and emotionally prepared to take on the journey. When they show up with the idea that it's parties and mingling with the writing elite ... well, they are not prepared for reality.


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