On the Road Again

I am prepping for the Northwest Book Festival that is scheduled for July 27 in Portland, Ore. I have a great tip for you if you ever need to buy a table and chairs for your booth space: Costco. So, I went over to Costco and picked up this really cool fold-up long table with a handle to carry it like a suitcase and two (padded) folding chairs. It cost me $75 for the whole shindig. We also needed a canopy tent structure (I guess it rains or too much shines) in Portland. So I borrowed an easy-up tent from a friend. I am set for my display already ... so check! Done. Now I emphasized padded chairs ... have you ever sat for 8 to 10 hours on a metal surface? Not comfortable so make sure you get padded chairs if you're going to sit for any duration of time. We also have the standard banners and the dog-and-pony show necessities. FYI, do you have the following for your display:

  • Poster-board signage
  • Business cards or (in this case) bookmarks with proper contact information
  • Drop cloth (decorative to match your brand)
  • Product (naturally) ... in this case books
  • Handouts or brochures about your business
If you don't have those items, please note: my company 3L Publishing produces marketing collateral materials, too. We do beautiful marketing promo pieces. Want some created? Send an email to info@3LPublishing.com or call 916-300-8012. 


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