Got Analytics?

Do you know what are analytics? These are measurements of what your website or blog are doing (essentially a measurement of readership). Analytics measure things such as page views, click-thrus, sites where clicks come from, and where the clicks come from (countries), and more. If you use Blogger then you know analytics are also called stats aka statistics. If you're considering starting a blog, I recommend you take advantage of FREE services like Blogger. You can pay for services such as Typepad, which is more robust; but I have found for the average user the depth of a service like Typepad isn't necessarily worth it. Typepad does have two different levels of keyword searches and allows the user to break the blog into self-created categories. For example, on World Less Traveled's blog, it is broken down into categories such as vacation, travel tips, State Parks, recreation, etc. Her analytics measure pretty much the same things as Blogger, but you cannot see the depth of detail. You can add more features to it, though. My feeling is any new blogger will be satisfied with the FREE service Blogger.

3L Publishing provides content services for blogs. If you're interested in hiring one of our professional writers to provide blog content, contact us at 916-300-8012 or send an email to


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