Fresh Book Marketing Ideas

It’s a new year and I’ll be if you’re an author your goal is to increase your book’s sales. I am constantly trying new things and reading other people’s ideas too. Every time I find some fresh tips I like to pass them on.

Exclusive Reader’s Group on Facebook – Why not create your own Reader’s Group? Invite people to the group and do special giveaways and promo that can only be obtained in the group. Make people feel special. You will create not just “readers” but fans! Fans are loyal and loyalty buys more books.

Wattpad ( – This is a new one for me. Apparently there is a large community of readers where authors can share information about their books. You can release free excerpts from the book and attract and build readership. I’m going to check it out and share more with you down the road, but it looks perfect for authors to use as a marketing tool.

Letter from the Author in the back of your book – Many authors lose the opportunity to share links and social media information by not including this information at the end of their books. Make sure that your bio and/or letter invites and encourages readers to follow you and gives them links.

Videos are all the rage right now so make a book trailer and videos – If you are going to do videos make them professional. Nothing is worse than watching a bad video. Post VLOGs on your social media site and blog. Read from the book or make videos when you’re at signings and events.


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