Amazon Reviews of Body in the Trunk

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By D. B. Stearns, Author Harmonic Wars on June 15, 2016
Format: Paperback
If you’re looking for an erotic thriller, Michelle Gamble has written a winner with Body in the Trunk. This murder mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat. Gamble does an excellent job capturing and expressing the heart pounding attraction between lovers and the jealousy of a failed marriage. I loved the realism of the characters and how they struggled with temptation, but how deeply they connected to each other. Excellent book and a real page turner! 
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Format: Paperback
Body in the Trunk is exciting, sexy and mysterious! Written in a no-holds barred fashion by an incredible writer, the book grabbed hold of me and I was glued to the pages for days. The characters are relatable and vivid, making the reader feel they are a part of the story. I enjoyed this book immensely and I could envision it playing extremely well as a movie script. Michelle's writing style is both entertaining and titillating, and she keeps you guessing until the very end. I highly recommend this book. 
Format: Paperback
Michelle Gamble has written an exciting mystery about love, betrayal, and murder. Her ability to excite the reader with her vivid descriptions is amazing. The characters are people we all have met in our life or some we can actually relate to. The twists and turns are so real that I couldn't stop reading. I will be sending her publisher a bill for lost hours at work. 
on January 11, 2016
Michelle Gamble has written an exciting mystery about love, betrayal, and murder. Her ability to excite the reader with her vivid descriptions is amazing. The characters are people we all have met in our life or some we can actually relate to. The twists and turns are so real that I couldn't stop reading. I will be sending her publisher a bill for lost hours at work.
on November 6, 2015
I picked up the book and next thing I knew, the day was over! I absolutely fell in love with the characters and could not put the book down. I wanted to know what would happen! A must read!
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on October 19, 2015
I usually do not purchase or read such books as this one. I am very pleased to have purchased this book. I plan on reading this book a few times to figure out who did it. Very well written book.


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