5 Daily Habits for Success

Coming soon Habits and Attitudes by Dr. Lance Casazza. The book releases in the fall. 

Here are my five daily habits. These are the things that help keep me on track and successfully running my company 3L Publishing (www.3LPublishing.com).

Ø  Eat homemade healthy foods and avoid processed foods (basically anything in the middle of the supermarket). When you eat homemade vs. store-bought food or restaurant dishes, you know exactly how many calories and how much sugar and salt went into your meals. When you go to a restaurant you have absolutely no idea what that food contains. In a country where diabetes is becoming a national epidemic, it’s best to avoid carbs and sugar, and restaurants load their dishes with carbs and sugar.
Ø  Meditate and visualize success every day. First thing when I wake up, I meditate, say my mantras, and visualize a great day. Leaders like Steve Jobs advocated meditation. I find that it puts my head in the right space to start the day with a positive attitude. The day might not always turn out right, but at least I started out with the right mindset.
Ø  Create daily routines and stick to them. I always get asked how I accomplish so much in a day. The answer is I have a routine of activities I follow. I get up in the morning and the first activities of the day involve marketing and promoting my business. I try to make all phone calls and contact in the morning, and then I do the work that doesn’t require a time of day to be done in the afternoons and early evenings.
Ø  Create daily, weekly and monthly goals. Goals are so important. Goals give you direction and purpose. I keep a desk calendar and write down my daily, weekly and monthly goals. I write vs. type because it stays in your brain longer. Writing down my goals also makes it easier to keep track and check them off as I achieve them. Smaller daily goals lead to bigger overall accomplishments.
Ø  Family first – my boyfriend tells me that you can have the most money in the world, but if you don’t get your intimacy issues right you can be the unhappiest person on the planet. Rich people who don’t have love will commit suicide. So, make your family and significant others your priority. As they say, “Work isn’t going to visit you on the porch when you’re old and sitting in a rocking chair.”


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