3 Quick Tips to Promote Your Book

1. Hire a publicist, which is the "no-fair" tip, but the most obvious. Make sure your publicist specializes in book promotion. You want him/her to have the right connections to the journalists and media contacts who interview or feature author and book reviews. A publicist sets you way ahead of the emerging self-published crowd and earns you credibility as a serious professional.

2. Sign up and attend book festivals. Book festivals put you as an author right in front of the consumer. It's targeted toward readers since it's a book festival, and people love to meet the author and have him/her sign their books. It also gives you an opportunity to see the public's reaction to your book cover and content (what they browse). And doing regional festivals throughout the country gives you a chance to build a national following by introducing those parts of the country to your work. Book reviewers are often at these festivals too, and it will give your book direct exposure to them.

3. Do a blog tour using a tour service. This one necessarily generate a lot of sales, but once  more it will give your book exposure to different audiences. Use it to get your name and book out there so you gain name and brand recognition.


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