The Magical Journey of Cinderella Sapphire - Author Interview

Lily Waters

Author Interview


Q. What is the Magical Journey of Cinderella Sapphire about?
A. The Magical Journey of Cinderella Sapphire takes readers on a personal voyage into the life of a young girl as she grows into
womanhood under the specter of child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, the loss of her entire family, and the unfathomable grief of it all. Cinderella Sapphire, a young girl who starts out in life with a happy, beautiful family soon experiences great loss when her beloved grandmother and mother die within three months of each other. Cinderella or “Ella” is left behind with her older brother and her loving father who soon falls under the “spell” of the beautiful but cruel Susanna. The abusive and wicked Susanna unleashes her jealousy, wrath, and twisted behavior on her stepchildren. She poisons or kills pets, sexually abuses both Ella and her brother, and makes life a living hell.

Q. Why did you write the book?
A. To ease the suffering of those in difficult circumstances by forging a model of a pathway from tragedy to triumph.

Q. What is the importance of the sapphire in this book?
A. The sapphire is a brilliant gemstone that lies within an ugly, gray rock. While it starts its life as an ugly rock, deep within it a beautiful gemstone forms, and it’s a metaphor in the book that signifies the brilliant “you” just waiting to emerge. The sapphire symbolizes this strength and beauty that lies within our own souls. All who have suffered at the hands of others possess in our hearts and hopes and dreams the key to transforming the crushed and beaten existence into a happy and wonderful life.

Q. What do you want readers to take away from reading this book?
A. Resilience resides in everyone no matter how hopeless life seems. Every human being has the strength to rise up beyond his/her circumstances, grab the bull by the horns, and take charge of his or her own existence. As a doctorate in psychology, I believe in the strengths-based approach in life. Using one’s strength to overcome adversity is the key. As President Harry Truman once said, “It is not the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog that really matters.”

Q. Do you still feel child abuse is a major issue when studies show that child “maltreatment” is trending downward? 

A. As an attorney I represented victims of child abuse for years. It happens in churches and at Boy Scouts, schools, camps, and of course at home. I believe the downward trend in statistics comes not from factual reality but from a lack of oversight and reporting in
foster care. However, the psychological harm from abuse can be overcome with love and placing yourself physically near positive
forces, and teaching yourself your own true value.

Q. What are your future plans as a writer?
A. I will continue writing stories of hope to inspire the marginalized and sometimes forgotten souls. Even if one’s education, finances, and family resources are limited, there is always hope as long as your heart beats.

Q. Where can I get a copy of the book?
A. Print copies are available for pre-sale on the 3L Publishing website (, and the book releases nationwide in June 2021 on Amazon print and eBooks via Kindle, Nook and Apple Books. For more information, contact Michelle Gamble at or 916/300-8012.


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