15 Secrets to Becoming a Confident Woman

Do you ever look at some women entrepreneurs or executives and wonder, "How did they get to be so confident?" Sometimes it's a mindset and sometimes it's just practice. So, here are 15 Secrets every woman should know to become more confident any anything she does.

1. Confidence comes from knowing your area of expertise so thoroughly that you speak about it with complete certainty and unwavering knowledge.

2. Even when you're feeling a little wobbly, use your body language to convey the opposite -- stand up straight, hold your head high, ground yourself, and just "look the part."

3. Act as-if until you just are -- this means you "fake it till you make it." For example, when I started my business and had no clients, I still went to my desk everyday and acted "as-if" I had clients until one day I did indeed have real clients.

4. Dress the part -- our clothes can actually increase our confidence when we feel good in them. Think about how you feel when you go to a job interview in a nice suit vs. jeans and a t-shirt. What you wear can often make you feel more or less confident.

5. Take care of your body and health -- when you feel good, you feel better and more confident.

6. Spend more time with other confident women. You will feel empowered to be around like-minded women.

7. Be aware of your surroundings and navigate the world with mindfulness. When you're present and in the moment, you will naturally exude confidence.

8. Empower yourself no matter what the situation, whether professional or personal. Take charge and don't let other people make your decisions for you.

9. Be passionate -- passion about a subject will naturally increase your confidence. You can't be passionate and be weak -- the two don't go together.

10. Live your life your way. Just being happy and enjoying your life builds self-esteem and self-worth.

11. Try new things! It's very empowering and exciting to try out the unknown. Because once you've done so many things, you will feel more confident and can discuss them from experience.

12. When it comes to your personal life and perhaps dating, put yourself in charge and know you're doing the picking not the other way around. That attitude will give you an air of confidence.

13. Be fearless and bold -- it's like being the fearless superhero! A superhero just knows she can do anything.

14. Say "yes" but also know to say "no" when it doesn't work for you. Saying no can even be harder sometimes than saying yes. But the ability to create boundaries will make you feel proud, especially if you're good at holding the line.

15. Stay positive -- just being positive creates an air of confidence.

Michelle Gamble is the founder of 3L Publishing and PR. She can be reached at info@3LPublishing.com.


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