Three Tips to Create Successful Books

Tip #1 – Always write for your AUDIENCE not for yourself
. Now if you’re not seriously intending to publish your work then by all means write for yourself. However, if you want to write and publish and succeed … you have to keep your audience and who you are speaking to in the forefront of your mind. I see authors make the mistake of simply writing whatever speaks to their hearts, but may not resonate with their audience.
Tip #2 – Don’t get your knickers in a twist over the fact that the cover is the most important marketing element when it comes to your book’s success. I’ve seen so many authors shrug about the cover’s importance in sales. The typical objection, “My story is great so who cares about the cover?” EVERYONE cares about the cover. A great cover can actually create a best seller while a terrible one can kill sales. So, you absolutely must care about your cover.
Tip #3 – You MUST market and promote if you want to sell books to more than friends and family. Many authors mistakenly believe that simply posting a book on Amazon will be enough marketing and promotion – and that’s a complete fallacy. Simply posting a book only makes it available to buy on Amazon. Amazon, like all businesses, makes money off its marketing programs and advertising. If you partake in any of their programs, it means you must pay for the marketing. You will also need to get exposure by promoting to the media and book reviewers. Without that critical promotion, no one will know about your book – and thus, sales will not naturally happen. Promotion leads to word of mouth and general interest in your book, so you do have to promote.
All right Friend-Os off I go … until next week.


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