The 352-Day Nutritional Challenge


The 352-Day Nutritional Challenge





         First, I want to say I’m not an expert when it comes to nutrition or dieting. I also want to emphasize this is NOT a diet book – although you will probably lose weight based on eating healthy every day. This book is strictly about eating good foods, period. And finally, what better way to get others to participate than by creating an interactive game and a community of support and shared interests. Accountability is a big deal when it comes to any goal or endeavor, so a game would not only make it fun, but hold players accountable.  

         I wanted to write this book and share how I changed my eating habits after I turned 50 only to discover my youthful metabolism started to fail me. I have been thin and a size 4 at 5’9” my entire life. Except during pregnancy, I never weighed more than 125 pounds. I always thought my weight would be a non-issue … so, I thought. And while I’m sharing this information, I really don’t want you (the reader) to become distracted by any notion of dieting (it’s not a diet book).

         In 2016, I had to face that my weight had ballooned from 125 up to 170 in less than six months. My size 4 turned into a size 12. I no longer looked in the mirror and felt good about my body. I would never body shame anyone or subscribe to the idea that my weight goals or desires should be your goals. However, for me, I didn’t feel good about my once-slender body being now layered in cellulite and my flat belly turned into a gut. I also knew an essential truth about weight loss; if you can’t live with your diet for the rest of your life, don’t do the diet at all. What will happen is a yo-yo effect of up and down. I’ve seen many women in my family and friends do the ole yo-yo tango. So, I knew drastic weight-loss measures or just fad diets and gimmicks wouldn’t work for long-term results.

         The question I asked myself, “How do I lose this weight and be able to live with the new menu of food options for the rest of my life?” I knew whatever road I chose I had to be able to stick with it. My food choices had to become a way of life -- a way of eating that wouldn’t take the taste out of the food, but also it wouldn't include too much fat, sugar, caffeine, or salt. The sole focus would be about nutritious, healthy foods, and a well-balanced diet. How much weight I shed through the experience would not be the goal, but the byproduct of a diet loaded with nutritious foods.

         So, my focus shifted strictly toward what I put in my mouth vs. how many calories or fat content. If you do want to lose weight using our challenge, know this one thing: it’s likely to take a long time. This game isn’t about cutting calories but eating the right foods in the right portions – and that’s what makes the challenge livable. We’re not going to create a diet to follow. We’re going to help you create a way of living to follow. The challenge part is designed to make it fun and create camaraderie around food. Make the food a community experience. You won’t be bragging about how many pounds you lose; you’ll be proudly sharing how many good, healthy foods you eat. Food will be a part of that new lifestyle, and nutritious food the main “dish” in the change.

         What happened to me when I focused strictly on nutrition and healthy eating was an overall change in my entire body.

         Here are my results:

Ø  I lost 40 pounds (it took almost two years).

Ø  My digestion improved

Ø  My skin began to glow and become softer and suppler

Ø  I experienced fewer headaches

Ø  The aging process seemed to slow

Ø  I looked better than ever at age 54 (trust me, no one guesses my age correctly)

Ø  My sex life got even better (and I already had a great one)

Ø  I had fewer mood swings

Ø  I felt great when I woke up in the morning and not as sluggish

Ø  I felt better about myself so my self-esteem improved

Ø  I became happier overall

All of those benefits by strictly eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones.


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