Time for Working at Home during Corona Virus Outbreak

You've always dreamed of working at home full time. Maybe you've been able to work at home part of the time, and you have already had a taste of what it's like. Maybe you have never worked at home at all. Now with the Corona virus outbreak, your company has mandated you work from home. Here are some guidelines to help you successfully work at home and keep productivity as high as possible.

Make a space just for work. If you already have a home office, you're set. If you don't have a home office then clear some space that you will be using strictly for work. Don't put it near distractions like the TV or entertainment center. A good place might be in the dining area in the corner. Even your bedroom can offer too many lures to keep you away from your desk.

Make sure you have all of your office supplies and daily needs within reach. The more you don't start wandering around the house, the better off you'll be. Newbies, who have never experienced the luxury of working at home, need to learn that even the laundry can keep you from getting work done. It's easy when something is right in your line of sight to get distracted by it. So, minimize "house-wandering" activities by keeping your daily materials close to your newfound "office space".

Keep standard work hours just like you would at the regular office. Your co-workers and supervisors will expect you to be at your desk working business as usual. It can be tempting to stay in bed longer or work when you feel like it. It's better to develop an overall habit that is no different than your regular work habits.

Boundaries are extremely important, especially when you have family living with you. Be clear about your work time and don't let personal needs and family distractions creep into your work. Family and friends often assume that since you're at home, they can just interrupt your day. Pick up the phone only for immediate family and avoid personal calls. You don't want to send the wrong message to people about your work time.

However, in turn, remember to keep those same boundaries in place for your personal time too. Don't let work creep into your home life. It's easy to let that happen when work is right at your fingertips and your boss is calling at 7:00 p.m. Just as you don't answer the phone during work hours to friends your boss and co-workers should be treated the same way.

Most importantly do remember to eat lunch and take a walk or get some fresh air. If you're confined to your domicile much like people in San Francisco then keep six-feet of distance away from other people while out on walks.

And don't forget to enjoy! If you have to stay indoors during this epidemic, enjoy the lack of commute or the ability to wear sweats all day. This outbreak doesn't have to mean the end of productivity or commerce with the right attitude.

Michelle Gamble owns 3L Publishing and has happily and successfully worked from her home office for 15 years. She can be reached at 916-300-8012 or info@3LPublishing.com. During this epidemic, she will take conference calls and perform remote consultations.


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