And It Took Two Years - Interview with Scott Spiess

Q: What is And It Took Two Years about?
A: When new author Scott Spiess discovered he had a life-threatening heart condition, his old life began to crumble—and through that crumbling Spiess gave himself two years to make serious changes in his life. His new book It Took Two Years chronicles how Spiess went from a type A, control freak to a peaceful Reiki Master, Buddhist, and Massage Therapist.

Q: Why did you decide to write the book?
A: This book called to me for personal reasons. A publisher asked me to write it. I felt some resistance because of ego reasons. I had this inner battle because I was no longer allowing my ego to guide my life. I decided to write the book to help others learn through my experience how they too can make major changes in their lives. My primary goal is simply to pay-it-forward.

Q. How did you allow the Universe to naturally guide you and put you on the right path?
A:  I used the absence of thinking to allow the Universe to align everything—and that was the key to it. By allowing things to come my way without deliberate thought, made me closer to my true self and one with the universe around me.

Q: What is the most surprising lesson you learned?
A:  When I get the small things settled then the larger issues just fall into place.

Q: How would you describe yourself today?
A:  I have not put a lot of thought into “what” I have become, it is more about “who” I have become.  I am someone who wants to engage people on “their” playing field and see how I can help them succeed.  I am no longer bogged down with hard definitions because I am different to all the people I interact with.

Q: What advice would you give to others to start their changes?
A:  Do not be so hard on yourself.  No one is perfect on the first try at something.  Be willing to be honest with yourself and accept your flaws for what they are.  By not manifesting on them, you will succeed in the end.

Q: Where can I get a copy of your book?
A: It’s available in print on,, and Amazon. The eBook version is available on Kindle, Nook and iBook.


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