15 Ways to Promote Your Book

What are the easiest ways authors can promote books on their own? Now many of you may read these 15 things and feel daunted. Just know that 3L Publishing (www.3LPublishing.com) offers marketing and public relations services, too. We can help you and guide you through this process.
  1. Social Media (it's free)-Facebook, Twitter are great starts. The jury is out on SnapChat and Instagram.
  2. Goodreads (social media for readers and authors to connect)
  3. Blog (blogger.com)-blogging services are free, too, but you have to provide your own content
  4. Book launches-it's a party so why not celebrate your accomplishment and sell books
  5. Book signings via your regional independent bookstores. Leave some books on consignment if they're open to it or maybe they will purchase the books on their own.
  6. Newsletters like this one focused on promoting your book reviews and signings and sharing excerpts and experiences with your book.
  7. Regional nonprofit book festivals (not all book festivals charge $2,000 for a booth). Smaller, regional book festivals sometimes charge up to $50-200 for a table.
  8. Book trailer video posted on YouTube and then promote in your newsletter, blog, social media and talks.
  9. Use a publicist to promote the book to reviewers and general media to gain exposure.
  10. Literary Awards-even if you don't win you might become a finalist. The cache is being a winner though and putting that "win" sticker on your book cover. Entry fees are involved, and the big ones are: Indie Book Awards, Writer's Digest, Indie Excellence Awards.
  11. Amazon reviews-I will give away a certain number of copies with the request that the person post an Amazon review if they like it. This approach helps to create buzz, too.
  12. Author Page on Amazon-you can create an Author Page on Amazon that will be linked to your book page. The system will send me a notice and I just have to give you permission.
  13. Speaking engagements to regional author's groups-you can offer to speak to literary groups. Use your media kit and speaker's sheet to promote your talks.
  14. Readings at your local library-offer to do a reading at your local library and donate some books just to get interest.
  15. Author website-post all of your reviews, appearances and anything else related to the book along with a sample chapter, media kit and general information for people to get a hold of you.
There you go Friend-Os! I just gave you 15 great tips to promote your books. If that list makes you want to pull out your hair and go screaming for the door, call us instead and let's discuss our marketing and PR services. Call 916-300-8012 or send an email to info@3LPublishing.com.


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