Masters Class in Novel Writing - March 26, 2016

Date: March 26, 2016
Time: 10am to 4pm
Place: 267 Spoonbill Lane, Galt, CA 95632

This intensive 6-hour workshop is designed to take your novel idea from beginning to end. Michelle Gamble, CEO of 3L Publishing and author of 7 books and numerous publications and magazine articles, will be teaching the class. In the workshop you will walk away with the following:
1. a booklet designed to fill information as she walks you through the steps.
2. An overall critiqued discussion on the theme of your book.
3. A breakdown discussion about each elements of your book, including plot, subplots and characters.
4. Review and guidance of your first chapter (if you don't have one she will make suggestions on how to create one). This is an intensive, exclusive workshop. She will only be accepting five students. Once the number is filled, the workshop will be closed. The cost is $175 for an intensive afternoon of work. It includes:
1. Work book
2. 6 hours of intensive personalized attention with the master
3. A fully critiqued analysis of your chapter 1 upon its completion. Please seats will go fast. For more information, contact Michelle Gamble at 916-300-8012 or send an e-mail to
*If we have enough people interested, we will add a second workshop to take place at another date.
Your $175 payment can be done via PayPal by sending it to or we do take checks and credit cards. We will take payments at the door (optional). Once the class fills it will be closed.


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