5 Great DIY Tips to Promote Your Book


So, you’re ready to publish your book, but you’re not ready to promote it. You may not know what it takes. If you don’t want to promote yourself, you can hire an expert like myself (email me at info@3LPublishing.com). If you don’t have a promotional budget, here are some things you can do on your own.


No. #1 – Join all applicable social media platforms well in advance of your book’s official release. You can set up your Instagram, Goodreads, Facebook or TikTok accounts long before your book releases. You can begin advanced promotion to attract readers who are ready to buy your book. You also want to ensure you’ve built your following ahead of time, too. Without a strong following, you won’t get the necessary exposure.


No. #2 – Create a blog and start using it. Blogger is free. Write related articles and content for your book’s promotion. It doesn’t have to be specifically about your book, and it probably shouldn’t be. You can highlight movies, shows and other books related to your genre and do reviews of them. You can discuss issues related to your book – whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, it all applies. Many writers push back and assert they don’t have enough subject matter to cover, but if they really think about it, they will come up with ideas.


No. #3 – Write a Media Kit to send to the press and reviewers. Book media kits have specific content, including: about the book, book specification sheets, press release(s), frequently asked questions (FAQ), talking points, biographies, and sometimes sample chapters. You will want to learn how to do this type of writing before you do it. Amateur media kits scream amateur books, which you don’t want to be the reaction.


No. #4 – Consider entering your book into book contests. Winners receive prizes, and winners also get the benefits of increased credibility and exposure in the marketplace. It’s an easy way to promote your book without having to do much more than pay an entry fee. The Indie Book Awards and Writers’ Digest Independent Book Awards are two legitimate choices. Don’t waste money on the “cheaper” ones, as they don’t hold the same cache.


No. #5 – Attend and participate in regional book festivals. A variety of regional book festivals are back in action post-COVID. Festivals give you an opportunity to meet and greet readers. Depending on your investment, festival hosts will also promote your speaking at the festival and offer marketing opportunities to give you more exposure. You can also do things like have your bookmarks/business cards or other promotion put in bags or placed on registration tables. I like book festivals as it gives me a chance to talk directly to readers.


Michelle Gamble publishes fiction and nonfiction books through her company 3L Publishing and PR (www.3LPublishing.com). She can be reached at info@3LPublishing.com. 


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