Kitty Wisdom: Excerpt


As it turns out, two cats are better than one. They keep each other company. So, my son Cole’s encouragement to get two kitties paid off. I enjoy having my office kitties to pet and cuddle, but I still need to have my lap cat-free when I’m writing and typing. Slurpee, who is notably not a big lap-sitter, keeps Icee busy. It’s absolutely hilarious when they get the morning zoomies, as I mentioned in the last chapter. I sit at my desk and watch them wrestle and zoom back and forth in front of my office doors. I find myself stopping work, watching them wrestle, and laughing. I’ve made a lot of TikTok videos of them acting like crazy cats. I label the videos things like “Cat Wrestling” or “Cat Wrestlemania”. It’s all in good fun.

These boys love each other. When Icee was still a kitten, Slurpee allowed him to eat out of his food bowl and even eat first. He was a sweet big brother. Later on, though, Slurpee got more protective over his food. A few choice growls sent Icee the strong message, “Mine!” Little, good-natured Icee accepted the rebuffs in his placid, quiet way. Now he occasionally sneaks some of Slurpee’s food here and there. I did train them to eat out of their own bowls by placing them in front of their respective dishes and moving them back to the same spot over and over again. I insist they go to their own bowls whenever I feed them. It worked out. Food and treats are always great tools to train them in the right behaviors.

We have these treats that I call “cat crack,” because the boys go insane over them. It’s Fancy Feast Savory Cravings, which are little squares of chocolate made from flavors like beef and crab. They both like to wait in front of the bedroom door in the morning. Now they wait for me regardless of the treats, but the chocolate reinforces the wait time. The minute the door opens, they start saying (and I taught it to them) “Mom” … yes, you can teach your cat words. Now all I have to do is say “say Mom,” and to get their kitty crack, they respond in-kind. Then I get out the treats and give them each one square. They love this stuff. Detlef said, “Taste it.” I frowned and said, “No thanks.” Even though it looks exactly like chocolate, no way do I want to find out what beef and crab flavor doused in pseudo chocolate tastes like. I’ll pass.

But let’s talk raw chicken! Now a piece of raw chicken in one’s bowl is worth protection on a monumental “It’s MINE” scale. Slurpee even moves his chicken out of his bowl and onto the carpet just to keep it away from Icee’s poaching ways. He moves slightly around the corner of the kitchen entry wall to keep his yummy chicken all to himself. I’m a sucker and also give them bacon pieces whenever bacon is on my menu for the day. Both chicken and bacon are coveted treats, but bacon is … well, bacon. We all love bacon. Bacon makes everything taste good – and my cats heartily agree.

Kitty Wisdom: Do not give cats spiced meat. It can upset their tummies and have unwanted side effects (think diarrhea). Once I’ve spiced the meat, they don’t get any more – no matter how much they meow and beg.

(As I wrote that last sentence, I heard the loudest crash in the kitchen. The boys were enjoying their morning zoomies. I heard claws sliding across the wood floor, skidding somewhere, and a crashing noise. Then I heard Icee meowing. Icee tends to be more vocal than Slurpee. Slurpee, though, gets mouthy when he wants to be fed.)

We also have a firm rule that we don’t feed them off our dinner plates. We don’t want to teach them bad manners. However, we eat as a “family” every night. I have four chairs around the table, and each cat sits in his own seat while we sit in ours. They sit in their chairs the entire meal, and sometimes Slurpee sits up on his hind legs, seemingly waiting to be served. Slurpee also likes to sit on Detlef’s lap. I made a funny video of Slurpee sitting in front of Detlef while he eats soup. Slurpee watches his spoon go from the bowl to Delef’s lips and mouth. That video is the highest viewed video on my TikTok account. It’s just way too cute and funny.  

Let’s talk about “CatsofTikTok”. If you want to be thoroughly entertained, watch the content creators’ videos of their pets. I love all animals, but of course, the cats make me laugh the most. I just adore watching all of the kitten videos, and I discovered a couple of rescue-related channels that are so fun to watch. One in particular really caught my attention. I am assuming that by the time this book comes out, they will still being doing their live cam and videos. It’s Michael Sheldrake and his wife Vika. They work for a rescue based in Canada called Vokra and house pregnant “Mamas” in their kitten room. Viewers get to watch pregnant Mamas going through the birthing process, producing kittens, and seeing people adopt each one. Supporters donate food, toys, scratching posts, beds, and other gifts to the kitties, and it gives prospective adopters a chance to see their kitten grow up and then be adopted. It’s truly an excellent way to find kitties good homes.

Also, if you want to learn more about cats and their behaviors, CatTok is pretty cool. Content creators, who specialize in cat rescues, medical information and animal behaviors share constant videos. It’s a great way to get a cat education. One of the reasons I wrote Kitty Wisdom was to do a similar thing for cat lovers. I wanted to spread educational information while also providing entertainment related to cats. Once you fall in love with your kitties, you want to understand them more. I just ate up all of this great material, and then turned around to share with you in this book.

So, are cats really crazy, or am I the “crazy” cat lady? It’s a combination. I’m not really cray-cray but I am enthusiastic about my cats. I can’t quite say the same about my kitties. Watching them lap my house in wild chases that include tumbles, jumps and grand falls makes me believe, “Ah, yeah, they’re crazy!”

One of my favorite activities is to make the bed. Now who likes to make the bed? Well, when Slurpee hears any snap of the sheets or sees me heading toward the bed, it’s game on. Just yesterday (and I wish I had caught this on video) he sprinted, sprung in a high jump, and plunged into my sheets right as I had the sheet in midair. Detlef just happened to be in the room when that happened, and we both cracked up. It took some impressive gymnastics to accomplish that feat. On more than one occasion, Slurpee has jumped on my bare bed while I changed the sheets. I just make the bed as if he’s a part of the mattress. I know he’s not going to get stuck. Little guy knows how to slither his way out of the sheets. I also will just cover him in blankets and pillows. Soon this little moving lump plays under the blankets and comforter. I don’t try to stop him – and hence the reason why bed-making has become so fun. Every now and then, Icee will also join him in this game. Two moving lumps is pretty darned cute.

In the late afternoons I enjoy my own “cat nap” and the bed offers a place of peace, comfort and plenty of purrs. Slurpee likes to sleep at my feet. Depending on where your cat likes to sleep sends its own message. If your cat likes to sleep at your feet, he is protecting you. If he likes to sleep at your head, he’s loving you. Icee prefers my head while Slurpee tends to sleep at my feet or on my legs. Icee, though, will writhe all over my head and chest. Remember I mentioned earlier about his attempts to get as close as he can to me? When I nap, this little guy can often be found snuggled up in the crook of my arm after a generous petting and purring session.

If I am sick or upset, my cats won’t leave my side. People think dogs are loyal and don’t realize that when a cat loves you, his loyalty and love is boundless. When I got some kind of flu bug last winter, both cats laid on me and purred. I’ve said that purring is a superpower. Icee has the mega-purr superpower, and it does comfort me. If I don’t get what I call “purr time,” it doesn’t feel right. Sometimes I will even search the house to find Icee to get my purr time in. Slurpee’s purr isn’t as loud, but don’t worry, he gets lots of pets and kisses from both of us.

When I am upset or cry, oh no! The look of worry on my kitties’ faces. They will both come round and lay down near me, surrounding me like a fortress. Don’t mess with their Mom. It upsets and unsettles them. I am empathetic, and I find it difficult to know they’re upset because I’m distressed. If I’m walking around, which I tend to pace, they will keep up right by my side. If I sit down, they will rest at the base of the chair. They don’t try to get pets when I’m upset, but they will do anything to comfort me. Icee will climb on me while Slurpee will rest on my upper legs. I think they’re trying to send me love in this way. How blessed can I be with these two sweet creatures to love on me like they do.

Before my difficult breakup and Detlef’s arrival into my life, Slurpee became my constant companion. I talked to him as if he could respond back. It had been a traumatic breakup, and I needed Slurpee’s friendship. I know, I talked at him, but he was a good listener and often comforted me with his affection and purrs. Emotional support animals matter. If you feel alone in life for any reason, an animal offers warmth and love, which sometimes you need it.

I talk to my boys nonstop when Detlef’s gone. I still talk to them when he’s home, too. If you were to listen in, you would think I was talking to a person. They have emotions even though it doesn’t always seem like it. However, if your cat slowly blinks at you, he’s smiling. Smile back and blink at him. Their tales and ears are barometers of mood, too. Ears back, annoyed, irritated or angry. Ears perked, Detlef’s home and they run to the front door. It’s sweet to be greeted by our furry children. Ears up and perked, interested. Watch their tails, too. Those tails have stories to tell. I love it when Slurpee deliberately taunts Icee with his tail. We have a cat house where the cats can sleep on top and one can be inside of it. At the hole, Slurpee wags his tail back and forth for Icee, who is in the little box, to play with at the opening.



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