Are anthologies popular?

On Tik-Tok, they have this thing called “Storytime”. Something kind of interesting plays in the background video while someone starts with a question: “Am the asshole”… I know it’s crude, but the question leads to some salacious tale about all sorts of family ridiculousness, bad relationships, cheating boyfriends and girlfriends, etc. Then in the comments, people answer whether or not that person was in the wrong. I have to admit, almost every story leaves me with my jaw on the ground. The point is, it’s shocking behavior told in a way that just sucks you right in.


Storytime prompted me to think about anthologies. Storytime is great because over the course of about four to six parts, you hear what is essentially a short story. It’s perfect for quick entertainment. Then after wandering into a bookstore to find a few anthologies right upfront in the most coveted display areas, it piqued my interest. For many years, anthologies weren’t that popular. So, it begged the question: are anthologies back in vogue?


Here’s what I pulled off the Internet: “Anthologies are among the most popular forms of storytelling in the world today. Lately, it would seem as if TV has had a few great hits in this department. Don't let that confuse you into thinking anthologies started with the big screen. In essence, anthologies are a collection of stories written in a common theme.”


Okay, question answered. You could do an anthology and then combine its promotion with something like Storytime on Tik-Tok and other social media platforms. It makes sense in many ways that anthologies are trending. We are without question a “fast-food” culture. We want it now. Some people don’t have time to wade through a 300-page book. They just want a quick fix: a beginning, middle, and end in 20 minutes or less. It’s about limited time and attention.


So, you can create a theme and collaborate with other writers to create a multi-author anthology or write your own. I would definitely say the time is right. The market wants it, and many great ways exist to promote it. 


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