Q&A with Jeff Perlman, author of Adventures in Local Politics


Q. What is Adventures in Local Politics about?

A. It’s the story about how Delray Beach found its way through visionary leadership and citizen engagement. The book serves as a useful guide to all those who want to lead positive change in their communities. It tells the story of a former-journalist-turned mayor who helped to advance his city’s revitalization. Delray Beach went from blighted and depressed to being named North America’s “Most Fun Town” by Rand McNally. Adventures in Local Politics tells the story of how a city known as “Dullray” became a community considered a national model for downtown revitalization and citizen engagement. It offers lessons and cautionary tales for other communities on their journeys.


Q. What led you to write the book?

A.  When I was elected, I searched for a book that could help me navigate this new world of politics that I had entered. I couldn't find it. So, I wrote the book that I could have used when I was starting out. I put the lessons I had learned--many the hard way--into a book that I believe can help elected leaders or those interested in local politics succeed. The book was written to help those who want to make a meaningful difference in their communities.


Q. What is your favorite story in the book and why?

A. I enjoyed writing about my "ride-alongs" with the local police department. Those officers took me under their wing and showed me what was really happening on the streets of my city. We went to places and saw things I never could have seen without them giving me that glimpse into their lives. I came away with a deeper understanding of the issues and a deeper appreciation for the men and women who serve our city. Their trust in me not only moved me personally, but it helped me as a policymaker to support them and do what I could to make their lives better. Community transformation starts with safety. If people don't feel safe in your city, you just can't move forward. The best investment mayors can make is in public safety. 


Q. In the new COVID era, how do you propose to reconnect communities where most professionals have become remote workers and we’ve lost that in-person touch?

A. I think COVID has changed us permanently. Smart cities will begin to prize public health and make their communities as resilient as possible. We can reconnect by creating great public spaces where everyone can feel safe and find beauty and respite in a noisy and stressful world. So ,we need to invest in placemaking – green markets, great parks, recreational opportunities, walkability, etc. But we also must find ways to gather safety and not rely solely on screens and technology. Neighborhood dinners or town hall meetings that insist on civility as a value are critical. We must find ways for people to meet and connect, and we must encourage our citizens to be citizens. That means education and a culture that encourages input, dialog, respect, and collaboration.  


Q. What project did you lead that you are most proud of?

A. I'm most proud of our Downtown Master Plan that enabled us to build on the success of our predecessors to create what I think is the most dynamic small city in America. We went from a seasonal economy to a vibrant, year-round exciting place. That success has created a lot of opportunities, a lot of jobs, and a dynamic quality of life. 


Q. What is the biggest takeaway you want people to understand?

A. The biggest takeaway is that serving your community is an honor and a privilege and a wonderful opportunity to make a lasting difference in people's lives. It is a job to do, not a job to have. I want leaders to aspire to do big things, but I also want them to be good stewards and to lead with heart and empathy. Serving your city is a chance to touch people. They may not remember what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel. You won't please everyone, but you should strive to help those who are working hard to move your city forward. If you please the doers in your community, you will be a success.  


Q. Do you have any future projects/books in the works?

A. I do! I'm hard at work on a book about my adventures in business and the leadership lessons I learned by working side by side with a benevolent billionaire as he created a successful beverage company among other noteworthy endeavors ranging from real estate and restaurants to hot sauce and hotels.


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