Should I Create an Audiobook?


The audiobook industry is rapidly growing. In our mobile, fast-moving society, many commuters enjoy listening to audiobooks while they drive. The audiobook industry is projected to grow to a $15 billion industry by 2027. Huge opportunities exist for audiobooks, and many authors have asked about how to create them. Since I had to do a little research on the subject, I thought I would share what I know and learned.

Question no. #1 – Are there programs to help me?
Yes, there are many software applications created specifically to record audiobooks. Google: How to create an audiobook, and dozens of applications and providers appear. I don’t know that much about them – yet. So, you need to investigate which one sounds like a good solution. As we always want, ensure your selection is easy-to-use and doesn’t require taking a class (unless you want to take a class).
Question no. #2 – What is Audibles (Amazon’s platform)?
If you don’t have brick-and-mortar distribution and you’re an independent author, Audibles offers the best DISTRIBUTION platform. Here is its definition straight from Wikipedia: Audible is an American online audiobook and podcast service owned by Inc. that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. Audibles is really the audiobook distribution model for Amazon much like its traditional book distribution system.
Question no. #3 – How do I do voice-over work on the audio?
Do not underestimate voice-over work. It looks on the face of it really easy to do. It’s not. I’ve done professional voice-over work, and I learned the hard way you need to be prepared with your manuscript right in from of you. Please realize when you’re under pressure to read it right, it can be a challenge. Be prepared to stumble and start over again – a lot! Talk isn’t cheap when you mess up. Preparation is key. Practice reading aloud for a while before you sit down and start. Take it seriously. It’s really hard!
Question no. #4 – Should I just hire a voice-over expert?
Many fans get a kick out of hearing the author read his/her work. So, don’t automatically jump to hire someone else; however, if you’re busy or struggling to do it on your own, you might decide to hire a pro. My dear friend Sonja Jones did the narrative for my California Girl Chronicles book trailer. She was awesome at it. I get asked all of the time if that’s me. No, it’s Sonja! The only downside when you don’t have an actress friend, is it can be expensive to hire someone. So, you have to weigh the pros and cons.
Question no. #5 – Will I need an audio editor?
The technology has improved and it’s easy (as you can see from Tik-Tok videos) to edit audio-visual. Again, it depends on your time and patience to decide whether or not you can overcome the learning curve and do it yourself. Otherwise, you can place an ad somewhere like Craig’s List for “gig” work. You want your audiobook to flow seamlessly without distractions. Do consider hiring a pro.
So there you go! I hope this helped with your decision-making process when it comes to creating an audiobook. You can always pick my brain by calling 916-300-8012 or sending an email to



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