Love in the Time of Corona - Your Guide to Safe and Fun Fantasies

Q: What is Love in the Time of Corona about?
A: It’s a nonfiction guide written to give singles and couples imaginative ideas about how to still enjoy romance and fantasy even while self-sheltering. As the world dramatically changed overnight, many single people and couples had their lives turned upside down. Touching and intimacy are important to building a healthy immune system yet self-sheltering rules, in some cases, prohibit it. This guidebook will inspire romantic partners to have some fun and stay connected.

Q: Why did you write the book?
A: Everyone has been rightfully focused on the virus itself and protecting people’s health. I anticipated that once the focus shifted toward the sociological and psychological impacts, people would seek information to help their personal lives. Additionally, human contact and touch are a part of being human. With all of the stress caused by the virus plus the lack of connection, people sacrificed even more. This book gives couples and singles ideas on how to not only cope, but also have fun.

Q: What are some of the ideas to help single people?
A: I kept in mind that many single people who wanted to continue to date couldn’t meet in person. Many of the dating tips revolve around self-sheltering and how to meet and start courtship in a tasteful style. Some of our tips include virtual dinner dates, sexy video calls, how to write love letters, thoughtful ways to read books together, sexy texting, and fun fantasies.

Q: What suggestions does it have for couples?
A: It’s just as important for couples being asked to stay at home to continue their sex lives. All of the stress and concern for the future can put strain on a relationship, and sex can be a great stress reliever. My book gives couples a lot of ideas and fantasy role-playing to spice it up. It discusses great ideas, such a “Sex in the City” picnic where I review tasty, sexy foods and ways to use the food for play time.  

Q: Where can I purchase the book?
A: Since printers are not essential services, we are only offering eBook versions through the 3L Publishing website (, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Apple Books. For more information, send an email to  

To purchase the eBook go to Amazon.


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