And It Took Two Years by Scott Spiess - Excerpt


This book called to me for personal reasons. A publisher asked me to write it. I felt some resistance because of ego reasons. I had this inner battle because I did change. I went from a goal-oriented person to someone who today has learned to just let life flow. It is possible to change unwanted or what I call “expired thought” and action patterns. I needed to change for reasons we’ll get into later in this book—and it was the right time to make that change. Did it hurt? Yes. Did it really take two years? Yes. Would I do it again? Hell yes! Giving up control or stopping being a control freak turned out to be the most liberating experience I have ever had. It was also one of the hardest things I have ever done. Why would I learn to just let go and see what happens? Simple, the universe and everyone around me told me that I did not need to hyper-control everything. I just needed to listen and get my ego out of the way of organic change and progress.

The more I thought about my two-year journey, the more I decided this story was worth telling—and a story worth reading. I wanted this book to empower everyone who read it to realize that organic change is possible. The primary reason I wrote this book came from my desire to help realize positive change. Everyone has the ability to change. In my example, I went from being a type A, ego-driven, self-centered athlete to someone who became a Buddhist, Reiki Master, and Certified Massage Therapist. I also began volunteering to help others realize their goals. I learned to let go of being a control freak to allow the universe to steer for a while—and you can do it, too.

In the coming pages, I’m going to walk you through my life story and teach you how in just two years I did, in fact, make those changes. I hope by my example, you will see how any change can be made. – Scott Spiess


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