Silicon Valley Season 6 - Striving for the Ridiculous

I love HBO's programming. I watch so many shows now off paid TV that the other day I watched commercial television and realized I was totally out of it. Commercials! Who likes those in the middle of your show? I did notice that online shopping has become the biggest promotion (yes, I am that out of it). Speaking of ... let's segue to the topic at hand -- the final season of Silicon Valley.

Most shows as they end tend to wind down, and not always in a good way. Season 6 of Silicon Valley has turned into a laugh-worthy, well-timed series. I'm not sure what part of the ridiculousness I admire most. AI Denesh was great as it managed all of Denesh's contacts to his utter delight. Then we had the virtual chess battle between Gilfoyle and his Hooli phone expert. The friend rejection at the end was a let down, but true to Gilfoyles anti-social personality, he didn't accept the friend request.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the episode where the evil investor goes after Pied Piper. The birds smacking the window and distracting poor Richard -- priceless. Of course, the metaphor wasn't lost on anyone, but it provided great comedy. Then we had Richard's old boss making fun of him out of jealousy and Richard stepping back into his old role, which reminds me of how I feel around my parents (still a kid).

The horrifying and superficial birth parents of poor Jared, who sat there stunned and dejected. When they uttered switching from Italian to Chinese food as "the hardest decision they ever made..." the look on poor Jared's face. Jared standing on the porch watching his birth family happily trot off to eat Chinese food killed it. It was supposed to be funny, but it came across sad -- but that's okay. It's a testament to Zach Woods' acting skills.

Those are just some of the ridiculous moments of the final season. Since I worked in technology, I can see so much truth in this show. The writers just ratcheted it up for comedic value. I will be sorry to see it end. Another great HBO show going away. I do have faith. HBO always delivers something great. I expect a lively replacement. 


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