The Power of Belief In Your Writing

I was recently thinking how important it is to truly and completely believe in yourself when you're doing just about anything much less writing a book. I'm no different than any of my authors. I have my writer's block, my insecurities, my concerns ... anytime you're putting something out in the public eye for scrutiny-and you're a sensitive artist-you are going to have to face whatever may come.
It's amazing how we can have 20 positive reviews yet one negative one, and all of our attention goes on it. I feel you. I've been down that insane rabbit hole a time or two myself. Yet as a book coach, I try to tell clients not to let one bad apple spoil the bunch. So I was thinking about it.
This whole roulette wheel that puts your book between 0 to somewhere in the middle to best-seller is unpredictable. Clients want me to reassure them, yes, it's a best seller. I am asked all of the time, "Can you assure me this will be a best-seller?" I see in their imploring eyes they want to me to lie and reassure them. How can I tell them or put a "yes" stamp on an unknown quotient. Nine of 10 businesses fail in the first year-that's business.
So the only real answer to the question is one word: BELIEVE. The power of belief and faith are definite sources of divine guidance. Put all your willpower and might and persistence into your book, and you'll get positive results. I don't know where exactly those results will come from, but you'll get them anyway.
And just like that one bad review, don't spend your days dwelling on anything negative. Dwell on the positive and push forward, and the rewards will be yours! 
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