Stop Acting Your Age - Fountain of Youth Discovered

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE            January 1, 2018

                                                                        Contact: Michelle Gamble

                                                                        Mobile: 916-300-8012


Groundbreaking new book shares incredible secrets to keep senior citizens acting, feeling and looking younger – all without cosmetic surgery or enhancements.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—For centuries we’ve pursued the proverbial Fountain of Youth. Youth is treasured in our culture. The desire to maintain youth has created a multi-billion industry in cosmetic surgery, anti-wrinkle and skin creams, vitamin regimes, and any number of treatments all promising to keep wrinkles, sagging skin, and any host of age-related illness at bay. What if all of these things weren’t really the answers at all? What if the real answer to looking, feeling and acting younger had nothing to do with the latest plastic surgery technique? What if the “secret” to unlocking the key of eternal youth came from within? In the new book Stop Acting Your Age by Thom McFadden, he reveals breakthrough new ideas about aging, which promise to help all seniors look, act and feel 10 to 15 years younger.

In the book, McFadden explains why he wrote the book. “‘How often have you heard a senior described as a “grumpy old fart”?” asked Thom McFadden in Stop Acting Your Age. Well that was happening to me. People thought I wasn’t cool anymore. I wasn’t asked to the parties. The older I got the more invisible I became. People weren’t seeing me or hearing what I had to say any longer. I could have walked into a bank and robbed it and no one would have seen me. That’s when I decided to turn it around.”

McFadden who is known as the “Acting Coach to the Stars” and has spent decades working as an actor realized he could apply his knowledge and experience to create a unique system to help people look, act and feel 10 to 15 years younger.  “I wrote this book because after acting and training actors to perform many roles, including younger than their ages, I decided why not apply this to real people. Many of these actors got great accolades for the roles they played so I thought people in real life could live roles that would be more fulfilling for them. Here is how I did it (and you can too). By going into my actor’s sense memory toolbox and creating a well-rounded, fully dimensional character.”

Using this methodology as the basis for his program, Thom reveals in Stop Acting Your Age age-defying secrets to help seniors:
·      Learn how to live more fully in the present
·      Act on the most meaningful and important things to you in your life NOW
·      Use the “3 Magic Well-Beings” to get as healthy and vigorous today as you were as a youngster
·      Change your mindset from “striving” to “playing” because life should be FUN
·      Learn the power of being a “Social Mixer” and finding your happy place

Stop Acting Your Age is available in pre-sales for print on 3L Publishing’s website (, Lifestand (, and Amazon. It will be available in January 2018 in eBook for Kindle, Nook and iBook (Apple).

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” – Henry Ford


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