Do we all have a book in us?

How many of you have heard the phrase "everybody has a book in them"? What does this really mean? We're all writers? No, it means we all have a story to tell. Living on this planet and making our lives happen creates our biographies or stories. The current trend in business is the memoir/business story. Many leaders have turned to telling others about their journeys to share life's lessons and experiences. When I read about another person's story and I see commonalities between their experiences and mine then I know I'm not alone. People like to learn and be entertained at the same time. Storytelling is a way to share that common ground with others.
One problem though ... maybe you're not a writer. Maybe you have a very compelling story to share, but writing wasn't your strongest skill. Maybe you are a fairly good writer, but you've never written more than an essay or business letter. You don't have the slightest idea where to begin your book writing process. That is where working with me pays off. You don't have to be a writer to tell your story. You can hire me as a ghostwriter.
What does that process entail and is it difficult? I work with each person around his/her needs. Ghostwriting can be done one of several ways:
Step 1: Develop the table of contents, which is really your book's map. It's good to put together the table of contents first. It organizes the book's content and gives you a firm place to begin.
Step 2a: Clients can start by simply writing out a version of what they think the first chapter should contain. I will go in and revise it and add content by doing additional research if necessary. Each chapter swaps back and forth between myself and the client. For example, while I'm working on chapter 1 the client can be working on chapter 2.
Step 2b: The other option is for me to develop sub-heads and questions under each sub-head. I will then have the client answer those questions. Once the questions are answered I write a narrative around the answers to make the entire chapter flow and make sense.
Step 2c: Clients can also record in their own voice their stories. I then transcribe those stories and write it so it makes sense.
So that is the ghostwriting process with the 3 optional approaches. Does that spark any ideas in you? If you want to open new doors to opportunities, I guarantee a book will do it for you. You'll have a chance to get media coverage, book reviews, book sales, and even be asked to be a speaker.
If you're ready to take that next step and tell you story, give me a call at 916-300-8012 or send an email to


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