Feature 3L Publishing Author -- Syndee Hendricks, Step Aside, Get Out of Your Own Way

1.        Why did you decide to write Step Aside, Get Out of Your Own Way?

While facilitating workshops, I found many participants were not able to afford coaching to improve their lives and then go on to fulfill their life's purpose.  I wanted to offer some of my coaching and tools to them and anyone who wanted to improve their lives for the price of a book.
2.        What was your greatest challenge in writing the book?
Writing the book was the easiest part of the process.  It’s in the details to creating the book that was challenging and time consuming!  I’m so fortunate to have had a seasoned professional publisher who was able to meet the challenges.
3.        How did you find 3L Publishing and why did you decide to work with them?
I had known Bo Bradley previously and found Michelle Gamble-Risley through her.  When I finished the Table of Contents, I began shopping for a publisher.  After interviewing three different companies, I selected 3L Publishing because of their competitive price structure, the incredible offerings, and my intuition was guiding me to them.
4.        What is your advice to first-time authors to make the experience as positive as possible?
For those who struggle with the beginning process, hire a writing coach to get you started.  As many have said, the first step to any goal is always the most difficult!  Your book will never be written until you take that first step … the world is waiting to hear from you!  Then, of course, find a publisher who is compatible with you and your goals.
5.        Who is your favorite author?

Without question my favorite author is Earl Nightingale.  He has been called the father of positive motivation and is responsible for the positive direction and passion in my life.  I “met” him through his writings as a teenager through my first job.  He continues to mentor me through his words.

6.        You have psychic gifts, how did you discover those abilities?
Interestingly enough, I thought everyone just "knew" things.  While out on an afternoon girls’ day, two lifelong friends and I went to a farm wife’s home for a "reading".  I had not had that experience before that sunny day at the farm!  She told me that I was psychic and continued on to tell me many other things no one else could have possibly known — and she told me what was to come.  Though fascinated, I had a very demanding management position that evolved into decades of my long career working in 18 states.  During that career, through a close friend, I met a woman who would become a dear friend.  Marilyn was a retired history teacher, who was psychic and worked as a reader in a bookstore in Atlanta, where I was living at the time.  Marilyn gave me her tarot cards and said, “Read for me.”  I told her that I did not know how to do that.  She asked me a second time to read for her, which I did.  That was my first official “intuitive reading”.  She knew before I did that I was gifted enough to be able to help people through intuitive readings.
Nearly 20 years after that day, and after I came in off the road and had my brick-and-mortar experience, I started a coaching and consulting business.  Two years into it, I decided it was time to investigate those intuitive gifts.  My friend Marilyn has passed away, but I still feel her presence helping me.  To ensure I was offering value to my coaching and consulting clients, I visited several "Intuitives" to inquire about my value to my clients and what training did I need.  After three of them told me I did not need any training, I just needed to add that to my business.  And, of course, now the book and Trilogy of Workbooks.
7.        What is your passion in life?
My passion is clearly stated in my mission statement, which is: 
Syndee Hendricks Personal:  Gratitude, Love, Health, and Happiness are the priorities in life that give special meaning to my journey in this lifetime.  Faith fueled by hope is the conduit that ignites the way into the light to assist others to find their way.
Syndee Hendricks Professional:  My passion is to inspire the possibilities with each person with whom I connect, and assist them in achieving those possibilities so that they can re-invent themselves to live the life they envision.                 
8.        Which would you rather be stuck on -- desert island in the Bermuda Triangle or yacht in the Antarctic?
If I had a choice, I would summer on the yacht so I could enjoy the Antarctic beauty and watch wales, and winter on the Bermuda Triangle desert island!  If I had to choose only one, it would have to be the island, which would probably take me to other unknown places ;-)
9.        What do people not know about you?
I wanted to be an artist growing up as I began drawing at a very young age.  In high school and college, I did freelance art work to help support myself.  I decided on a business degree since I knew I would struggle making a living as an artist.  My goal has always been to return to my art in retirement … someday …
10.     Which do you prefer -- handwriting a note or typing on a computer?
I love to write written copy, and have been told by many that my handwriting is beautiful—very “scripty”.  However, I was timed in college at over 200 words per minute on their IBM Selectric typewriter.  Therefore, for lengthy work, I use the computer for time-saving.
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