Writing or Rewriting: what works better?
I am focused on writing right now. I had a discussion with a fellow writer about writing and rewriting. She mentioned that authors like James Patterson focus on the rewrites to find the genius in the work. I’m not a Patterson reader so I can’t speak to his work. I mostly get it down in a single draft, which is different from others. I’m naturally not opposed to rewriting, and in some cases, I do revisions. However, for the most part I seem to get it down in the first draft. In another discussion, one of my friends asked how I managed to get it right the first time. I acknowledged I don’t always get it down, but I would say at least 85 percent of it. As a professional writer, I am the same with my magazine articles. I get a first draft down pretty easily. How do I do it? (And Friend-Os, adopt your own style and what’s right for you.) When I worked in corporate, I almost felt guilty for sitting idle just to think. I am a doer and work hard. So, I don’t like...